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Chapter 40 Encounter With Overwhelming Power


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--Rize Pov--

"Fufufu... it has truly been a long time since I last saw you Rize, although I almost didn\'t recognize you, since you have reverted to this child-like form."

Spoke the voice of a beautiful woman who was laying flat, in a giant aquarium, she was laying down inside a clam bed, as the clam itself was the size of a queen size bed, she was at least 180CM in height, despite half of her being humanoid which was her upper body, and the other half is a giant but beautiful white mermaid tail.

She had white snow-like skin, long beautiful platinum hair that was straight but flows beautifully in the water, piercing and ethereal silver eyes, along with thick platinum eyebrows.

She had huge breasts at least an E-cup, and they were covered with nothing but her hair which was wrap-around it like a sarashi, on her head was a beautiful crown, that was full white, while around her neck were expensive-looking jewels.

This woman is referred to as Her Highness the Queen Lacia Vonte Blanche the VII, or the Seventh Queen of the Siren race.

In today\'s modern time, they would be referred to as a Mermaid, aka the Succubus of the seas.

While beside her was Roberta a maid dressed in a Victorian-style maid outfit, she was 150CM tall, had clear skin, and beautiful black hair, which was dressed in a professional ponytail, she had purple eyes, but they were hardly seen as she always keeps them close, but ironically enough she wears some rather thick and large glasses on her face.

But despite that, she was a very beautiful woman, but unlike her master, she wasn\'t a Siren, but instead, she was a human, but also Singularity.

But despite her looks, she is over 500+ years old, and that\'s because of her unique power.

But she wasn\'t the center of attention no it was Rize and Lacia as they began to speak with each other, and the conversation continues.

As Rize replied as such.

"Well I could say the same, you look different as well, but the only reason I\'m like this is because of my power, I can\'t control it, if I don\'t eat sufficiently my body reverts to this child-like state, as it burns less energy, that\'s why im malnourished at the moment, it also because of this, that im reaching out to you and the 2nd for help."

"Yes I know and I already agree to help, as long as you keep your promise as well."

"Of course, I will, although that if you keep your promise as agreed."

"Hehehe... well it decides then, I look forward to working with you Rize, after all, I promise your older sister to look after you regardless of what happens."

"Then it\'s decided then, but I shouldn\'t make this meeting prolong any longer, I should head back now."

"Heheheh do take care I will see you at the banquet."

And like that, I took my leave, however, at that moment, I sense a familiar presence from outside as I jump in front of Lacia and place a barrier up.

As I said.

"No way isn\'t this the aura from earlier?"

But I didn\'t have time to think about it, because I grab Seba and toss him beside Roberta who was in front of Lacia\'s tank, as I said.

(Blood barrier)

With those words chanted huge amount of blood came out of my hand and made a giant sphere-like barrier, and what came next was the impact of a powerful attack, which destroyed the giant door in front of us.


My barrier manage to protect us, but I can\'t say the same for the room, as it was completely destroyed by a mysterious attack.

However, what followed after was the voice of a man as he said while appearing from the smoke coming from the entrance.


"Well, well, well, what do have here?"

I ask as I enter the room, but I instantly notice I wasn\'t welcome, because upon entering I was immediately attacked by a buttler who threw three needles at me, and a maid who pulled put a giant black ax from under her skirt.

Of course, I caught the ax between my fingers and tank the needles, and speaking of maids Necroma came up to me and said.


Necroma said as she walk in front of me, and upon hearing her voice, I gaze down at her as I replied.

"Yes, Necroma, what is it, as you can see I\'m busy disciplining a bitch?"

I ask with a neutral voice, as I hold the ax of this crazy ax-swinging maid in place between two of my fingers, while I gaze down at her, to engage in a conversation with my maid.

Even though I could feel she was trying desperately to retract her weapons from my clutches, however, with my physical stats capping at 999 [+], and ongoing, meaning Strength, Speed, Stamina, and Defense, there was no way this maid could overpower me.

But the buttler, on the other hand, was something else, the guy attack me with some, rather powerful needles, and deadly needles at that, but with my defense being over 999 [+] and counting, it didn\'t even penetrate my skin.

However, I analyze those needles, and this was what they said.

- Frost Blood Needle: A curse Needle that freezes the blood of the enemy once it comes in contact with them.

- Decay Needle: A curse Needle that ages the body ×30 faster than normal.

- Blindness Needle: A curse Needle that causes blindness upon the enemy.

A combination of all these Needles combined would be fatal once hit by it, however, I didn\'t come here to play with these two weaklings, I came here to see the fifth progenitor, to get information on the third.

"Can.... y-y-you... leave these t-t-two to me?"

She said with a shaky voice as the fear of my reply settle within her, but when I think about this, it wouldn\'t be a bad choice, after all, I want to see how strong Necroma has become.

So with that said.

I gave her a nod while saying with a serious tone and expression.

"Don\'t disappoint me, you\'re in the presence of strong people, so don\'t make the name of Morningstar look bad, beat them half to death!?"

She responds with a hesitant nod, as she looks at the crazy maid, with the giant ax in her hand, and the butler who was using needles to fight.

Although I must say, those needles could be fatal if anyone of them pierces Necroma, luckily for her though, with that unique skill of hers that makes her absolutely immune to status effects, the power balance should cancel each other out.

In this case, this battle would be between servants, while the adults are talking.

So with that said, I gaze at the maid who I\'m holding in place, as she had a horrified and angry expression, and by instinct, she let go of the ax and jump back, and got back in a fighting position.

Meanwhile, Necroma revealed herself, as she deactivate her stealth, and upon doing that the buttler and then for some reason the mermaid had a combination of fear and excitement.

And the maid itself had a tense expression as If she just met an unusual creature.

However, before the maid or the buttler could even voice their dissatisfaction and fears.

The first to speak was Lacia as she said.

"Th-Th-That... a "V-V-VANTA SUCCUBUS!".... no way I thought there went extinct... hehehe... I must have it, I need that in my collection, Roberta you must catch it, I want to see it close up."

The Mermaid said out loud as she had a perverted expression on her face, fill with a great amount of glee as if it was the greatest day of her life.

However, the maid had beads of sweat pouring down, with a slight concern expression, as she voice out her unfortunate circumstances with sarcasm.

"Yea... send the human, to fight an extinct S-class monster that was known to bring fear within the monster community... it\'s going to end perfectly."

Meanwhile, Sebastian said to himself.

"What\'s is a monster like that doing here, it\'s impossible for those ancient forbidden species to even exist in this time, tsk.... great... just great, I know I felt an intimidating aura yesterday, but this, this is just too much, although my lady is the fifth, so we\'re not at a losing disadvantage just yet, our that\'s what I would like to say if that thing wasn\'t present."

Yes, Sebastian, an ex-vampire hunter, that was known to have slain thousands of vampires back in the day, ranging from lesser to Noble, has encountered many powerhouses, and now since he is now a hollow, he had countless opportunities to meet progenitors and royal monster of different families.

It wouldn\'t be an exaggeration to say, that nobles and royals were monsters in a class of their own, but this thing in front of him, he could not classify it a monster.

Instead, he can only look at it as a living, walking, breathing phenomenon, an overwhelming force of nature, an entity that doesn\'t exist out of pure coincidence but for a specific reason.

Normally he only classifies these beings as important factors, beings that have a purpose, he was sure of this, after all, he has had the honor to meet a few of them in his long life.

Gaia, The unconscious Will of humanity, Fables, Elementals, God\'s arms, Seraphs, Divine Beasts, Apostles, and Conceptuals.

That was the feeling he got from the mysterious being that was before him, no it was the same, but somehow a lot different, as this handsome 220CM giant was something far more, he could feel it, he just doesn\'t know why he is here, and what he wants.

However one thing is certain, this man in front of him was not to be taken lightly, and if he was to even jump at him, he would die.

After all, no one but Sebastian knows the true terror of this being before him, better than he does, why well, Sebastian was a rare monster at that, but he was classified as unique because he is a possessor of not one, but two magic eyes, the first he was born with, the second he was gifted.

The first eye was the magic eye of Value, an eye that determines one existence value, and how much they are worth, it was like a power level meter.

And the second eye was the eye of his beloved wife, the magic eye of foresight, as the name implies it gives one the ability to look a week ahead into the future at best.

With these two eyes, Sebastion was given the moniker of "The All-Knowing Executioner" it is a name that holds much power within the monster community, so much so, that it was used as a bedtime story for many young vampires to learn how to behave themselves.

But Sebastion himself felt at a loss, all his achievements before Asmodeus meant nothing because he could tell, no he could see his existence value.

It was like no other he has ever seen before, a unique category because above Asmodeus\'s head he had an existing value of "0000000000+" normally a person or monster\'s existence value would only have 1-99 while the magic-user such as witches and warlocks, would have anywhere between 100-1,000,000 while noble and royals would have 10,000-1,000,000, and then unique existence like fables or Gaia would have "???" which means too high to be understood.

And now this mysterious "0000000000+" was something he has never seen before, which could only mean that his magic eye can\'t even determine the existence of this being before him.

And even any possible future could not be determined as of right now as well, meaning any future possibility has been rendered useless before him as well.

At this moment Sebastian only sees one outcome, and that was to escape as quickly as possible with his master, so he grabs the teleportation scroll under his sleeves, as he looks at his master, and prepares to run towards her to get out of here.

However, he was soon denied that possibility, when Necroma suddenly started to talk.


"Yes, Necroma?"

"That man over there has his hand on a special relic, I sense spatial properties coming from it, I guess he trying to escape."

Upon saying that, the man instantly, runs toward his master as he pulls out the teleportation scroll while grabbing her hand and saying.


But nothing happens, instead what came next was something that shocked everyone, as Rize, Lacia, Sebastian, Roberta, and even Necroma witnessed something unbelievable.

In less than a second no! in less than a microsecond of a microsecond.

Asmodeus was sitting at the table upon Rize\'s customized throne, which was built just for her, as a sign of respect and a way to show her position, with the teleportation scroll in his hand, as he said while observing it.

"Agh... so this is a spatial relic, now this is interesting, just by looking at it, I can tell this is valuable, even the great amount of mana within it is amazing, this must be pretty expensive haaa?"

No one moved, no one speak, no one breathes, no one even dared to think, why well because no one even notices when he even moved, to begin with as Asmodeus moved so fast that not even Rize notices when he took a step forward.

At this moment, it was clear who the victor was, it was clear who was in the alpha position, and to make things worse the strongest in the room notice it, as she took Sebastian\'s hands off her, and turn to Asmodeus and said.

"I take it you came to look for me, am I right?"

At these words, I smile, as I said.

"Well that depends on you beautiful, you see "look" is a weak word right now because depending on your answer, it will determine if I should kill you or not, of course, I leave no witnesses behind, so answer me truthfully or rest everyone getting bodied today, you, the butler, the fish girl with the nice tits, and that disgusting human with the ugly looking eyes."

I said this with a joyous smile on my face as I am pleased by the fact that I have more people to kill.

And upon saying this the butler instantly reacts as he shouts out on impulse.

"That taking things way too far!"

Instantly he garners my attention as I gaze him down, I instantly point my finger to him and said.

"I will take a left arm, for annoying me when im speaking."

But right before I even did it, by manipulating nature to call fort for a sharp air blade, the sound of flesh ripping, bones breaking, and blood spraying could be heard, and my attention instantly went on Rize as she pull off her own left arm.

This made Sebastian go crazy as he rushed toward her and said.

"My lady why did you...

But before he speaks any further Rize shut him off by saying.

"Sebastian, this is an order, please shut up!"

She said with an emotionless tone as she looked at him with a serious glare in her eyes.

"Egh... Y-Y-Yes my lady."

Sebastian felt both guilty and worthless.

However, he understood his lady\'s intentions.

So he backs up and remains silent, meanwhile, Rize the 5th progenitor walked toward me as her missing limb was bleeding like crazy gushing blood unending as she said.

While looking up to me, the very man who usurped her throne from her.

She closes her eyes, and bends on one knee, as she presents her left arm and said.

"I sincerely apologize for my servant\'s outburst, despite him being lower in the hierarchy, that\'s why as a token of my apology I present to you my left arm instead of his, so please don\'t kill him, and if possible please, please spare the life of everyone here, im the one you\'re looking for right?"

Everyone was shocked, the 5th progenitors just bowed before an unknown nobody.

However, Rize wasn\'t dumb, after all, out of five existing progenitors Rize was both the smartest, and also the most isolated of the bunch, unlike the rest that has giant egos Rize was without a doubt the most humble.

She instinctively knew she stand no chance against the being before her, and she didn\'t want to cause the people around her to die for her mistakes, although she does not know what she has done.

However, one person here was rather shocked and that was me, so much so, that I could not help but say.

"Interesting, a smart move indeed, heheheh... I like your way of thinking, it was the most optimal and best choice, very well then, I shall take that offering."

And like that, I grab her left arm and place it in my storage, along with the scroll, from there I grab her like a rice sack and said to everyone in the room.

"Let this be a message to the vampire race, bring me the third progenitor along with his or her entire family, I will not be here, and I won\'t tell you where I decide to go, you will have to find me if you want the fifth progenitor alive and well you must find me in the next twelve hours if not, don\'t blame me for accidentally wiping out the entire united state, to eradicate all monsters that are here, Adios."

With those words said I freeze time, as I grab Necroma, and with that flew out of this place leaving everyone behind.

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